Aaron Sugar
Video Editor
Motion Graphics Editor

Aaron Sugar was born in an eight foot high snowdrift in Buffalo, NY. His passion for science fiction, pop culture, puppets, crosswords, and strategy games of all stripes gave him his unique aesthetic; his love of sports and Buffalo teams gave him his fatalistic, yet joyful, sense of the absurd.
He completed his studies in video editing at Buffalo State College, where his thesis project involved a full improv comedy gameshow called Comedy Sports! After graduation, he worked as a Master Control Operator at Empire Sports before moving to Atlanta, Georgia to work with Turner Broadcasting.
He went on to found Aaron Sugar Video, a freelance video editing and motion graphics production company. With clients both national and international, his business has grown to include promotional videos, animation shorts, puppetry work, memory videos and logo motion graphics. Clients include the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, Le Clos d'Elle winery in Languedoc, France, The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, as well as numerous artists, musicians and puppeteers. He has been a featured video editor with DragonCon, one of the world's largest science fiction and pop culture convention.
His unique sense of humor, as well as his patience and attention to detail when working with clients, has allowed him to arrive at some unforgettable collaborations.
He currently lives in East Cobb, Georgia (less snow!) with his family and continues to develop his freelance production company...and yes, he still cheers for the Buffalo Bills and Sabres every chance he gets.